Cadejo (Ka-de-ho)

                     Acrylics on 6 by 4 foot Canvas tapestries.
                                            By: Dismas
Cadejo is the devil incarnated as a savage black dog that walks the village streets on dark nights in Belize. According to legend, Cadejo is accompanied by an evil spirit that drags a chain and prey on the souls of drunks. Some drunks have been fortunate to survive an encounter with Cadejo because a white Cadejo appears and fights with the black Cadejo. Drunks that survive will forever be plagued with nightmares of Cadejo.

For more information about Belize mythology and folklore, visit

Art and Animation by GrissyG and Dismas.
Need storyboards, character designs, or animation for indie films, commercials, music videos, and more? We produce original 2D hand drawn digital animation from concept to completion. Visit our site www.GrisDismation.Biz for more info. Email us:


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